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  • Advanced AI Tactics for Engaging Stakeholders & Smart Account Planning

Advanced AI Tactics for Engaging Stakeholders & Smart Account Planning

Work less and achieve more


I hope your week has been a productive one! In this week’s newsletter, I’ve lined up some exciting content just for you. We’ll dive into using ChatGPT prompts for stakeholder engagement, simplify account planning processes, and discuss how to manage founders who struggle to step back from your accounts—plus lots more.

Before we dive in, hit reply and let me know—what's been the highlight of your week?

🛠️ Skill Builders

Strategic Communication, AI and Conscious Uncoupling

This week I’ve got three strategies that can revolutionize the way you manage key accounts

If you're finding it tough to engage those key decision-makers or want to turn the tide with stakeholders resistant to change, this article's for you. I've got three top-notch ChatGPT prompts that will boost your engagement game. Whether it's drafting persuasive messages for the top brass or creating LinkedIn content that pops right into your clients' feeds, these strategies are sure-fire ways to make your communications stand out. [Read]

It's time to flip the script! Losing clients doesn't always mean bad news. Dive into this article to discover the surprising benefits of strategic customer churn. You'll learn how saying goodbye to certain customers can actually fuel your business growth and help you focus on more profitable engagements. It's all about making room for the best by letting go of the rest. [Read]

Don’t let the digital revolution leave you in the dust! Embracing AI can revolutionize your approach to account management. This piece sheds light on how AI tools can help you make smarter decisions, gain precise insights, boost efficiency, and ramp up revenue growth. Get ahead of the curve and transform your account strategies with cutting-edge AI technologies. [Read]

đź‘‹ The KAM Club Podcast

Key Account Handover: Dealing with a Founder Who Won’t Let Go

Key Account Handover: Dealing with a Founder Who Won’t Let Go

Have you ever felt stuck waiting for the green light to lead your accounts, but the founder just can’t seem to step aside? I’ve been there, and it’s tough. This week, on The KAM Club Podcast, I’m sharing everything I’ve learned about handling this delicate situation.

We'll talk about building trust, proving your worth, and setting up a transition that feels smooth for everyone involved. Whether it’s tackling a founder's emotional attachment or easing their logistical worries, I’ll walk you through the steps to take over with confidence.

🎥 Watch Now on YouTube! Make sure to check out the episode on YouTube too! Let’s navigate these tricky waters together and get you leading those accounts like you were meant to.

🎧 Listen on Your Favorite Platform: As always, you can tune in to the podcast on your preferred platform, including iTunes and Spotify.

🛠️ Featured Article

The Ultimate One Page Key Account Plan Template

One Page Key Account Plan Template

You're swamped, your inbox is overflowing, and deep down, you know you need a solid plan to keep and grow your accounts—it's like waiting for a ticking time bomb.

I know the stress of feeling like you're just one step away from dropping the ball on an important account

That's why I've gone back to the drawing board and simplify account planning and excited to share a new and improved one-page key account plan with you. This tool cuts through the clutter, making your planning quick and straightforward so you can focus on what really matters—growing your accounts.

Here’s how I’ve streamlined the account planning process into seven easy steps:

  1. Account Overview: Lay out all the key details about your client that matter for your plan.

  2. Objectives: Define what your client wants to achieve and how you'll know you've succeeded.

  3. Solution: Identify clear solutions that meet your client’s goals.

  4. Action Plan: List the steps needed to hit your targets.

  5. Change Management: Use simple analysis to predict how well your plan will work.

  6. Implementation: Assign tasks, set deadlines, and get going.

  7. Review: Keep checking and tweaking your plan to stay on course.

Don’t let the chaos of account management slow you down. Head over to our blog, dive into the full article, and download your free template today.

đź’Ž Web Gems

Handpicked Resources for Success

Here are some interesting and useful resources I've discovered across the web this week:

  • Outsmart the Future Podcast. Have you ever wondered how AI can fit into your daily routine? I’ve been tuning into the Everyday AI Podcast and it’s been a game-changer. From learning about Large Language Models to discovering how AI shapes our work and boosts productivity, this podcast is packed with useful tips and tools. It’s made AI really easy to understand and apply. Give it a listen—you’ll find plenty of ways to use AI to make your day smoother and smarter!

  • Customer Success Sub Reddit. I usually stick to LinkedIn, but I've been diving into the Customer Success subreddit lately and it's been really insightful. It's a great spot for people who work in customer success to share tips, network, and discuss where this field is heading. If you’re interested in learning how to help customers succeed or want to connect with others in the industry, this community is worth a visit!

  • The Secret, Mostly True, History of Key Account Management. Ever thought about how key account managers would have rocked the 1900s or handled the crazy tech of the 1990s? I sure have, and I had a blast making up some fun stories! Check out my LinkedIn carousel for a century of key account management “facts”.

That’s a Wrap

I hope you found these insights and tools as intriguing as I did. Did anything in particular resonate with you? I'd love to hear about it, so feel free to drop me a line.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Until next week,

Warwick Brown
Founder @ The KAM Coach

Try Fathom, the AI notetaker that remembers everything for you! Get 3 months FREE.

P.S. When you're ready, here are some ways I can help you:

1. Join The KAM Club: Get access to unmatched training, open office hours, exclusive templates, and a community of experts.

2. Try KAM Fundamentals: My 6-week training journey to build trusted advisor relationships and boost client revenue.

3. Get Career Coaching: Whether you need interview prep, first 90-day support, or help at any career stage, I offer tailored coaching programs.

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