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  • How Much Power Do You Really Have to Get Things Done?

How Much Power Do You Really Have to Get Things Done?

Because sometimes doing your job isn't enough

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Let’s be honest—how often have you found yourself frustrated when other teams don’t pull their weight? You might think, “The client wants this done, so surely everyone should just get on with it, right?” But the truth is, that’s not how things work.

Power is the key to making things happen. It took me a while to realize that, but once I did, it changed everything.

The 7 Rules of Power

I recently came across some research on “inside selling” in key account management (here’s the link to read it if you’re curious) just as I was finishing The 7 Rules of Power by Jeffrey Pfeffer. It really struck me—power isn’t just about ambition; it’s about getting things done, especially when it comes to navigating internal relationships and overcoming resistance.

This research underscores that our success often depends on how well we manage these internal dynamics. It’s not just about dealing with clients; it’s about influencing colleagues and resolving conflicts to make things happen.

Power isn’t a dirty word. It’s a tool, and like any tool, it’s all about how you use it. The 7 Rules of Power breaks down strategies to effectively wield power—not just for personal gain, but to achieve real results for our clients and ourselves.

Here’s a quick overview of the book’s themes and rules:

  1. Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcome self-doubt and promote your achievements confidently. You’re more powerful than you think—stop undermining yourself.

  2. Break the Rules Strategically: Don’t be afraid to bend the rules. Sometimes, stepping outside the lines is what sets you apart and gives you an edge.

  3. Show Up with Authority: Your body language, speech, and appearance matter. Project confidence and competence in everything you do.

  4. Build a Powerful Personal Brand: Your brand is your story. Make sure it highlights your strengths and is consistent across all platforms.

  5. Network Relentlessly: Relationships are key to influence. The more people you connect with, the more power you accumulate.

  6. Use Power Proactively: Don’t wait for opportunities—create them. Use your influence to drive change and secure your position.

  7. Success Excuses Almost Everything: When you’re successful, people tend to overlook your past. Focus on achieving your goals, and the rest will follow.

Do you feel you have the power you need to make things happen? Which of these rules could you apply to use power more effectively—and in a healthy way—to reach your goals and create real change?

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Mini Course Sneak Peek: Rule 1 - Get Out of Your Own Way

I’m currently turning these insights into a mini-course for The KAM Club. The first module, “Get Out of Your Own Way,” dives into overcoming the mental barriers that hold us back. It includes expanded audio summaries, reflection activities, and action steps to help you embrace and use your power effectively.

Power isn’t about being manipulative or self-serving; it’s about making things happen. Let’s stop expecting others to automatically fall in line and start using power wisely to drive success for our clients and ourselves.

Shift Your Perspective on Power

Let’s get real—how do you feel about power? Does the word make you a bit uneasy, or do you see it as a vital tool in your professional toolkit? I used to think that just doing my job well would be enough to get things done. But here’s the hard truth: if you want to move the needle, especially when others aren’t pulling their weight, power isn’t just helpful—it’s essential.

So, what’s your take? What challenges have you faced in using power effectively? What’s one way you could start applying these rules today? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just hit reply and let me know.

Let’s stop playing it small—embrace the power you have to drive real change and make an impact. The only limit is the one you set for yourself.

That's all for this week, Heroes!

Until next time,

Warwick Brown - Founder at The KAM Coach

Warwick Brown
Founder @ The KAM Coach

P.S. When you're ready, here are some ways I can help you:

  1. Join The KAM Club: Get access to unmatched training, open office hours, exclusive templates, and a community of experts.

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